10 Things I wish I had known before starting my college

10 Things I wish I had known before starting my college

College life could be the best time of your life and also be stressful at the same time. I have been there and so I want to help you out by bringing out the 10 things which I wish I knew before starting my college.

1. Campus involvement builds lasting connections.

  • Social life is an important part of the college experience. Getting involved in clubs, organizations, or sports will help you meet new people and develop lasting connections. College is about meeting new people, experiencing new things, and making memories.

2. After Fun Time it's Study Time

  • College is all about having a great time and making good connections, but we also need to remind us that we are here for a degree, which means sometimes there will be classes tougher than you would expect. That's when you will need to make time and study.

3. Utilizing the Resources

  • Colleges usually provide great support services such as tutoring, job placement, and also counselling which can be beneficial to boost your skills and also help prepare during your exams.

4. Be Bold and Take Initiatives

  • Approaching your tutor before the class becomes difficult, or volunteering to participate in various events is the kind of attitude everyone will appreciate, regardless of whether you are a student or a working professional, it will always give you an edge.

5. Building your Profile

  • Apart from the fun and studies in college, you need to prepare for your future. Practice building and improving your resume, portfolio, linkedIn profile, etc. Having this practice from the beginning will surely help you during your job placement.

6. Put some time in thinking about the direction you want to go

  • Lot of people spend college struggling, and it is a waste of opportunities and resources. You need to know where you are headed and what you plan to do for work, because the sooner you realise it, the better position you are in professionally.

7. Reach out to people in the industry you are targeting

  • You could get in touch with people you admire. They can be your alumni, or people who are geographically closer. Just send a cold email. Maybe you could end up with you dream company and an idol.

8. Taking random classes that interests you

  • If you have no idea of which classes you want to choose, just take a class that interests you may be which has an excellent professor. You'll never know where that can lead you, at the very least you will have a great time.

9. True learning takes place outside of the classroom

  • Approach your professors and advisors apart from the class hours. It can you open doors that will multiply your future options. Even in smaller classes where professors can give you more individual attention you should still check in with your professors outside of class.

10. Getting an internship

  • I feel that the best way to learn is to go out and do it. Internships will help you build relationships and gain some valuable experience that will be very helpful when you’re ready for a full time job. In other words, internships are a preview to your future career.

If you liked the points which I've mentioned please show some ♥️. Also let me know in the comment section that what points you would add in this list.